Welcome to floodam

floodam is a set of libraries that aim to assist in the estimation of flood impacts and the economic evaluation of flood management projects. This set of libraries is under continuous development.

floodam libraries

floodam.agri lets you build damage functions for agricultural plots. This library is used to build the official French damage functions for agricultural plots at level 1 of the “registre parcellaire graphique”, the French version of the land plot identification system used in connection with the Common Agricultural Policy.

floodam.building lets you build damage functions for “built” assets. These may be housing or economic activities. This library is used to build the official French damage functions for economic activities.build damages functions for built assets.

floodam.campsite is meant to compute damage for campsite assets.

floodam.cba is meant to compute economic indicators for appraisal of flood management projects. It is used by French experts to control the quality of cost-benefit analysis applied to flood management projects.

floodam.cba.sa is meant to perform uncertainty andsensitivity analysis to cost-benefit analysis applied to flood management projects. It is used by French experts to control the quality of cost-benefit analysis applied to flood management projects.

floodam.data is meant to download and format data that can be used in flood risk analysis in France.

floodam.spatial is meant to perform spatial analysis of damage.

Other libraries

ava is meant to perform flood risk analysis at farm level.