Perfom uncerrtainty and sensitivity analysis.
Perfom uncerrtainty and sensitivity analysis.
List with two slots. The first slot named "u_a" contains a data.frame of uncertainty analysis, the second slot named "s_a" contains the result of the sensitivity analyis.
performs uncertainty analysis and sensitivity
analysis. It takes informations from input to first draw to set of values for
each parameters.
Those two sets are combined in one to create a set uncertainty indicators
using model_npv()
Sobol analysis is performed by using a function from sensitivity
Default method is sobolmartinez
, but this can be changed with the parameter
sobol_analysis of the function. Basically, the two sets of values are used
by the function chosen.
From the sensitivity function only the value for first and total indices, and the normalized variances of the Conditional Expectations are kept.
Those results and graphical analysis are saved.
Frédéric Grelot,