All functions |
Adapt the damage functions to the information available |
Build a list of damage functions |
Build a list of arrays of damage functions from a data.frame of damage functions |
Transform a list data.frames into an array of damage functions |
Check the compatibility between the land use layer and the damage functions |
Check if all the attributes given as input are included in the attributes of the damage functions |
Check the input used to combine the hazard and land use layers and modify the flood parameters |
Associate an amount of damage by unit to each asset of a land use layer |
Combine the flood parameters by id |
Combine the flood hazard and land use layer |
Damage functions recommended by the French Ministry of Environment in 2017. |
Example of a data.frame of damage functions (agriculture). |
Example of a data.frame of damage functions (dwelling). |
Combine a land use layer and a hazard layer and estimate flood damage to each asset |
Estimate flood damage to each asset |
Estimate flood damage to a given component for each asset |
Extract the flood parameters values |
Extract the flood parameters values contained in a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
Extract the flood parameters values contained in a raster |
Identify the assets components for which a damage function exists |
Associate to each asset of a land use layer its position within a dimension of an array of damage functions |
100 year flood in Draguignan, as estimated to establish the flood risk prevention plan. |
100 year flood in Draguignan, as estimated by Guillaume Le Bihan. |
100 year flood in Draguignan, as estimated by Guillaume Le Bihan. |
100 year flood in Draguignan, as estimated by Guillaume Le Bihan. |
100 year flood in Draguignan, as estimated by Guillaume Le Bihan. |
Hypothetical hazard (polygon) |
Hypothetical hazard (raster) |
Help to make message |
Initialize a log file |
Inspect the damage function |
Activities located in Draguignan and identified in the SIRENE database of March 2017. |
Agricultural plots located in Draguignan and identified in the RPG database of 2017. |
Dwellings located in Draguignan and identified in the fichiers fonciers database of 2015. |
Dwellings located in Draguignan and identified in the TOPO database of 2014. |
Hypothetical assets (point) |
Hypothetical assets (polygon) |
Select the array in the damage functions that will be used to estimate the damage |
Select the values in an array of damage functions that correspond to a constant parameter |
Select the list of damage functions that corresponds to the assets class |
Add a given msg to a log file |