BD Topo
David Nortes Martinez & Valériane Marry
Description of the BD Topo database
The BD Topo database contains a 3D vectorial description, structured in objects, of the elements of the territory and its infrastructures, with a metric precision. The information available in BD Topo is grouped by themes guided by INSPIRE1 modeling:
- Administrative (boundaries and administrative units)
- Addresses (postal addresses) ;
- Buildings (constructions) ;
- Hydrography (water-related features) ;
- Named places (place or locality with a place name and describing a natural area or inhabited place);
- Land use (vegetation, foreshore, hedge);
- Services and activities (utilities, energy storage and transportation, industrial sites);
- Transportation (road, rail or air infrastructure, routes);
- Regulated areas (most of the areas are subject to specific regulations).
The BD Topo database is produced by the Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN), and is available at three levels of resolution: national, regional and departmental.
There have been several versions of the BD Topo database, the most recent being version 3.0. The history of the versions as well as the evolution of the product and the documentation can be consulted here: https://geoservices.ign.fr/sites/default/files/2021-07/SE_BDTOPO_avant_v3-0.pdf. This database is updated on a quarterly basis since 2019. The latest version of the database is available at the following address: https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdtopo. The entire documentation can be found in the address: https://geoservices.ign.fr/documentation/donnees/vecteur/bdtopo.
There are three formats available for the BD Topo database: - GeoPackage (Regions and departments) - Shapefile (Regions) - PostGreSQL (France and overseas territories)
Managing the BD Topo database with floodam.data
floodam.data allows to manage the maintenance of an adapted database.
The key function used is :
- download.bd_topo* to download the remote database.
Downloading BD Topo
There are 2 possible sources for downloading the database:
The last source is a mirror of the first one.
The download.bd_topo function downloads the database from the first address by default. However, the second address can be used by providing additional parameters (see function help: http://www.floodam.org/floodam.data/reference/download.bd_topo.html).
Data adaptation
Schema applied to data
The scheme applied to the data depends on the chosen theme. The ‘building’ theme is the one of the global variable ‘floodam.data::scheme_bd_topo_3’, whose details are given in the following table.
name_origin_gpkg | name | order | keep |
cleabs | id | 1 | TRUE |
nature | nature | 2 | TRUE |
usage_1 | destination_principal | 3 | TRUE |
usage_2 | destination_secondary | 4 | TRUE |
construction_legere | building_light | 5 | TRUE |
etat_de_l_objet | state | 6 | TRUE |
date_creation | date_creation | 7 | TRUE |
date_modification | date_update | 8 | TRUE |
date_d_apparition | date_apparition | 9 | TRUE |
date_de_confirmation | date_confirmation | 10 | TRUE |
sources | source | 11 | TRUE |
identifiants_sources | source_id | 12 | TRUE |
precision_planimetrique | accuracy_planimetric | 13 | TRUE |
precision_altimetrique | accuracy_altimetric | 14 | TRUE |
nombre_de_logements | dwelling | 15 | TRUE |
nombre_d_etages | level | 16 | TRUE |
materiaux_des_murs | material_wall | 17 | TRUE |
materiaux_de_la_toiture | material_roof | 18 | TRUE |
hauteur | height | 19 | TRUE |
altitude_minimale_sol | z_min_floor | 20 | TRUE |
altitude_minimale_toit | z_min_roof | 21 | TRUE |
altitude_maximale_toit | z_max_roof | 22 | TRUE |
altitude_maximale_sol | z_max_floor | 23 | TRUE |
origine_du_batiment | origin | 24 | TRUE |
appariement_fichiers_fonciers | majic_quality | 25 | TRUE |
cleabs | id | 1 | TRUE |
code_insee | commune | 2 | TRUE |
code_insee_de_l_arrondissement | district | 3 | FALSE |
code_insee_de_la_collectivite_t | territorial_authority | 4 | FALSE |
code_insee_du_departement | department | 5 | TRUE |
code_insee_de_la_region | region | 6 | TRUE |
population | population | 7 | TRUE |
surface_en_ha | area | 8 | TRUE |
date_creation | date_creation | 9 | FALSE |
date_modification | date_update | 10 | FALSE |
date_d_apparition | date_apparition | 11 | TRUE |
date_de_confirmation | date_confirmation | 12 | TRUE |
code_postal | postal_code | 13 | TRUE |
nom_officiel | name | 14 | TRUE |
chef_lieu_d_arrondissement | district_head | 15 | TRUE |
chef_lieu_de_collectivite_terr | territorial_authority_head | 16 | TRUE |
chef_lieu_de_departement | department_head | 17 | TRUE |
chef_lieu_de_region | region_head | 18 | TRUE |
capitale_d_etat | state_capital | 19 | FALSE |
date_du_recensement | date_census | 20 | TRUE |
organisme_recenseur | institution_census | 21 | FALSE |
codes_siren_des_epci | siren_epci | 22 | FALSE |
lien_vers_chef_lieu | link_head | 23 | FALSE |
liens_vers_autorite_administrat | link_administrative_authority | 24 | FALSE |
code_siren | siren | 25 | FALSE |
cleabs | id | 1 | TRUE |
code_insee | department | 2 | FALSE |
code_insee_de_la_region | region | 3 | TRUE |
nom_officiel | name | 4 | TRUE |
date_creation | date_creation | 5 | FALSE |
date_modification | date_update | 6 | FALSE |
date_d_apparition | date_apparition | 7 | TRUE |
date_de_confirmation | date_confirmation | 8 | TRUE |
liens_vers_autorite_administrat | link_administrative_authority | 9 | FALSE |