Adapt eaip data
The following treatment are performed:
all files for a given department are grouped (through a sf rbind)
only some common variables are kept
the projection is set to projection
the geometry is made valid
the output is saved at department level as rds in given destination
export = "rds",
projection = 4326,
variable_common = floodam.data::eaip_variable,
validity = TRUE,
retrieve = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE
- origin
character, path to the directory where eaip are stored
- destination
character, path to the directory where results should be saved
- department
vector, departments to be adpated
- export
character, option for export format of the results
- projection
integer or object of type CRS giving projection
- variable_common
character, what are the variables that should be kept. Best to leave it to default or NULL.
- validity
logical, should st_make_valid be applied (may be very long).
- retrieve
logical, should the result be returned
- verbose
logical, should the function give some sumup informations.
if (FALSE) {
origin = "~/data/BD/EAIP/shp"
destination = tempdir()
eaip_01 = adapt.eaip(origin, destination, department = 1, verbose = TRUE, retrieve = TRUE)