Adapt rpg data
The following treatment are performed:
the projection is set to projection
the geometry is made valid
flood exposition is set through intersection with eaip
the output is saved at department level as rds in given destination
export = "rds",
scheme = NULL,
department = NULL,
dep_path = NULL,
eaip_path = NULL,
projection = 4326,
retrieve = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE
- origin
character, path to the directory where archive are stored
- destination
character, path to the directory where results should be saved
- archive
character, vector of archive to be adpated
- export
character, option for export format of the results
- scheme
data.frame, how archive variables should be treated
- department
character, vector of department that should be treated
- dep_path
character, path to the directory where departments data are stored
- eaip_path
character, path where eaip archives should be find
- projection
integer or object of type CRS giving projection
- retrieve
logical, should the result be returned
- verbose
logical, should the function give some sumup informations.
if (FALSE) {
origin = ""
destination = tempdir()
archive = "RPG_2-0__SHP_LAMB93_FR-2018_2018-01-15.7z"
result = adapt_rpg(archive, origin, destination, verbose = TRUE, retrieve = TRUE)