Information on the variables of Admin Express version 2-0
This dataset controls also default behaviour of what variables are kept,
their desired type. It may be used as a value in adapt_admin_express()
for old version of Admin Express.
A data frame with 26 rows and 11 variables:
- name
character, name of variables used in floodam.data.
- name_origin
character, name of variables as defined in original data.
- layer
character, name of layer where the variables are used.
- order
integer, order of the variables in original data.
- keep
logical, defined if floodam.data will keep this variable.
- type
character, type that will be used within floodam.data.
- label_fr
character, variables description in French.
- source
character, source of the variables.
- length_source
integer, length of variables in source.
- type_source
character, type of variables in source.
- comment
character, some comments on choice made.