Plot crop calendar
`plot_crop_calendar()` makes a plot of the calendar of one or more crops. It* can plot any crop calendar prepared with `prepare_calendar()`.
culture = NULL,
title_culture = FALSE,
col = NULL,
language = "EN",
legend = TRUE,
reference = NULL,
order_phase = NULL,
output_prefix = NULL,
output_format = c("none", "pdf", "png", "jpg", "svg"),
verbose = TRUE
- path
list describing where to find useful paths.
- culture
character, name of crops to be plotted. If set to NULL, all crops prepared with `prepare_culture()` and `prepare_calendar()` will be plotted. Default to NULL.
- title_culture
logical, should shown crop names on plot be modified. If set to TRUE, `plot_damage_function()` will look for the first available `title.culture.csv` in `path[[<extent>]][["typology"]]`. Default to FALSE.
- col
character, named or unnamed vector of colors for plot. Must be at least of the same length as crops phases. If col is unnamed, the attribution of colors to crop phases will be made by default, you must set names of col accordingly to values of crop phases if you want to control the colors for each phase. If NULL, default colors will be picked from the library("RColorBrewer"). Default to NULL.
- language
character, language for plot labels. Must be chosen from one of c("EN", "FR"). Default to "EN".
- legend
logical, should there be a legend or not. Default set to TRUE
- reference
character, culture to place on top of graphic to compare with others. If set to NULL, order is set alphabetically. Default to NULL.
- order_phase
character, phase used to sort calendars on graph. If set to NULL, the order is set alphabetically except if a `reference` is defined. Default to NULL.
- output_prefix
character, prefix to give to output file. Default to
- output_format
character, choice for the output format if saving is desired. If NULL or "none", plot will not be saved but will be shown. Default to NULL.
- verbose
logical, should the function send some messages while running.