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floodam.agri (2024-09-25)




  • Package kableExtra (vignette)
  • Package scales (vignette)

floodam.agri (2024-09-13)



  • Vignette
    • Get started
      • addition of a plot of aggregated damage curves

floodam.agri (2024-09-12)




  • Package DT (vignette)
  • Package knitr (vignette)
  • Package Rmarkdown (vignette)
  • Package RColorBrewer (vignette)

floodam.agri (2024-08-23)


  • Some global data has been internalised in folder data and documented in R/data.R. It is built from files in inst/extdata/global_data:
    • COMBINE (list)
    • CURRENT (data.frame)
    • HAZARD (character vector)
    • HAZARD_RESOLUTION (data.frame)
    • LEVEL (list)
  • array_current() (internal used by make_curve())
    • documentation completed
    • renaming of current argument to current_start
    • addition of a new current argument
    • TO DO: test
  • calculate_damaging()
    • addition of current argument
  • fit_complement()(internal used by make_curve())
    • addition of current argument
    • test added
    • documentation completed
    • warnings added
  • load_hazard() (internal)
    • converted as internal (apparently not used, but may be useful for future development)
    • addition of level argument
    • change of hazard argument to hazard_resolution
  • make_curve()
    • documentation completed
    • addition of current argument
  • plot_agricultural_damage()
    • addition of hazard argument added

floodam.agri (2024-08-21)

This is the first version provided for installation.


  • All functions have been renamed to respect snake_case convention.
  • All functions have at least a basic documentation, that may not be very useful at this stage.
  • Data has been added to the “inst/extdata” folder, with this organisation:
    • classification (folder in inst/extdata)
      • classification for french LPIS (RPG). RPG.csv is the current classification while RPG_1.csv is the old classification.
    • default (folder in inst/extdata)
      • damagement (crop vulnerability decisions), hazard (hazard parameters), stat (action values, prices, yields), typology (correspondance tables) used to create the french national functions
    • national (folder in inst/extdata)
      • 2009-2010-2011 data used for french national functions (same as in default but no damagement or hazard files)
      • 2016 national yields for the year 2016 and associated correspondance tables
    • regional (folder in inst/extdata)
      • 2016 Occitanie region yields and associated correspondance tables
    • example (folder in inst/extdata)
      • data used to run tests and examples
    • TO DO: internalise some data supported by vignettes
  • init_path()
    • rework of function to specify several paths where to find data with a user defined priority level
    • removal of arguments extent, region, local, year and create
    • addition of default argument to specify whether missing values should be completed by default ones
    • addition of classification argument to indicate which classification references to use in making weights
    • addition of internal functions to help find files ( init_user_path(), find_data_path(), find_file_path(), find_output_files(), find_weight_files(), list_hazard_files())
    • addition of warnings
    • complete documentation and test added
    • TO DO: complete tests for all internal functions
  • prepare_culture()
    • rework to fit new paths from init_path()
    • replacement of original arguments by path and typo
    • addition of warnings
    • complete documentation and test added
    • TO DO: keep track of the origin of vulnerability files in a log file
  • make_weight()
    • addition of na.rm = TRUE to rowSums() to deal with NA values
    • complete documentation and test added
  • prepare_typology()
    • rework to fit new paths from init_path()
    • replacement of original arguments by path and classification
    • addition of an internal function treat_guideline() for simplifications
    • addition of warnings
    • complete documentation and test added
  • prepare_calendar()
    • rework to fit new paths from init_path()
    • addition of an internal function extract_calendar() to simplify tests
    • addition of warnings
    • complete documentation and test added
  • prepare_action_value()
    • rework to fit new paths from init_path()
    • addition of internal functions extract_calendar() and extract_yield() to simplify tests
    • addition of warnings
    • complete documentation and test added
  • calculate_damaging()
    • rework to fit new paths from init_path()
    • modification of backup argument to simplify the specification of desired output
    • addition of simple argument to deal with the output format used in combine_damaging()
    • addition of warnings
    • complete documentation and test added
    • TO DO: deal with global variables
    • TO DO: tests for make_curve() or fit_calendar()
  • combine_damaging()
    • rework to fit new paths from init_path()
    • addition of weightargument to indicate which classification should be used for weights
    • addition of hazard to indicate the hazard parameters
    • addition of internal functions combine_weight() and rbind_list()
    • complete documentation and test added
    • TO DO: check if hazard parameter is necessary
  • aggregate_damage()
    • rework to fit new paths from init_path()
    • addition of new arguments damage_origin, hazard_agg and retrieve
    • addition of internal function calculate_aggregated_damage() to simplify tests
    • complete documentation and test added
  • plot_agriculture_damage()
    • rework to fit new paths from init_path()
    • complete documentation
    • TO DO: rework to allow easier customisation


This is the first version of the library. It has been built on the basis of the collection of script from the archive that were used to build French official damage functions.

This version is not provided for installation.