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analyse_hydraulic() perfoms hydraulic analysis for a model.


  opening_scenario = c("combined", "close", "open"),
  dt_max = 0.5,
  Cd = 0.42,
  sim_id = NULL,
  stage = "",
  what = c("h", "eQ", "v"),
  verbose = getOption("floodam_building_verbose")



either a character, name given to the model or an object of class model


numeric, matrix of floodwater depth heights by instant t for each exterior opening exposed to flooding


numeric, duration of the flood event in seconds, optional; if not provided, calculated using limnigraph


character, one of the following options: "open", "closed", "combined". See details.


numeric, optional; maxmimum timestep for simulation


numeric, optional; discharge coefficient for each opening, default to getOption("floodam_building_hydraulic_discharge_coefficient")


character, optional; id of simulation if function called from a loop


character, what are the stages that should be done, default to nothing


character, outputs to be saved


boolean, will floodam tells what it is doing, default to getOption("floodam_building_verbose")


list of matrix:

  • h: water depths in each rooms for each time step

  • eQ: water exchanges through openings for each time step

  • v: velocity of exchanges through openings for each time step

  • eS: wet surfaceof exchanges through openings for each time step


opening_scenario controls the state of openings:

  • "open": scenario where all openings are open

  • "closed": scenario where all openings are closed

  • "combined": scenario where all exterior openings are closed and all interior openings are open

If flood_duration is missing, it is computed from limnigraph (max time + half an hour).


# declaring input and output paths
model_path = list(
  data = system.file("extdata", package = "floodam.building"),
  output = tempdir()

# analyzing model 'adu_t' of type 'adu' using the sequential steps *load* 
# (load model data), *extract* (extract model data) and *hydraulic* 
model = analyse_model(
  model = "adu_t", 
  type = "adu", 
  stage = c("load", "extract", "hydraulic"), 
  path = model_path
#> Loading model 'adu_t'...
#> 	- Structure of building.xml of 'adu_t' has been successfully checked
#> 	... successful
#> Extracting building information for 'adu_t'...
#> 	- extracted:
#>  		- parameter
#>  		- storey
#>  		- room
#>  		- wall
#>  		- opening
#>  		- coating
#>  		- furniture
#> 	- missing (not found):
#>  	... Informations successfully extracted for 'adu_t'
#> Computing some values for 'adu_t'...
#> 	... Informations successfully extracted for 'adu_t'
#> Extracting input data for hydraulic model for 'adu_t'...
#> 	... converting hydraulic input data in 'adu_t' to meters
#> 	... hydraulic input data in 'adu_t' succesfully converted to meters
#> 	... hydraulic input data successfully extracted for 'adu_t'
#> End of analysis for 'adu_t'. Total elapsed time 0.34 secs
#> More information availabe at /tmp/Rtmprv2Zow/model/adu/adu_t/adu_t.log

#' # generate limnigraph
limnigraph = generate_limnigraph(
  time = c(0, 5400, 10800),
   depth = cbind(external_1 = c(0, 3, 0), external_2 = c(0, 0, 0)),
    external = list(
      external_1 = c("door1", "window1", "window2"),
      external_2 = c("window3")
#> generating limnigraph ...
#>  limnigraph successfully generated

hydraulic = analyse_hydraulic(
  model = model,
  limnigraph = limnigraph,
  sim_id = "test",
  stage = "hydraulic"
#> Simulating hydraulics for 'adu_t'...
#> 	... hydraulics successfully modeled for 'adu_t'
#> End of analysis for 'adu_t'. Total elapsed time 1.42 secs