Could not deal external with many walls (more than 26). Now it can. Start the 27th to AA and so on up to ZZ. Model can have external with 702 walls now.
compute_damage_detail() (internal)
Information on room and storey were discarded for ceiling before being passed to adjust_dam_by_component. And so distrib_by_room() could not affect ceiling components to the good room.
is_compatible_python() (internal)
Really solved bug provoking error when loading the library (coming from change in R version 4.4 and management of x < 3 when x is a character)
test added
is_compatible_python() (internal)
new name for compatible_python()
Solved bug provoking error when loading the library
stop() sequence when checking parameter damaging removed. Now the function returns NULL if parameter damaging is NULL, allowing the estimate of the building’s damage function ignoring missing elementary components
use of message() instead of cat() for verbose or talkative mode
new management of missing elementary component:
if some elementary components ar missing (i.e. are not present in DAM), then compute_damage() does not return NULL. It continues the calculation, consistent with new behavior of adjust_elementary_damaging().
a message and a warning are sent to inform the user that the estimation will be done ignoring those elementary components.
The function now executes the hydraulic module of floodam.building in either the default python virtual environment “floodam” or in a user-defined python virtual environment, provided using the new parameter envname.
Function to manage the installation of python dependencies needed by the hydraulic module of floodam.building. It creates a virtual environment to avoid system pollution or dependency conflicts.
compatible_python() (internal)
Internal function that checks whether Python 3 is installed
execute the hydraulic module of floodam.building in either the default python virtual environment, “floodam”, or in a user-defined python virtual environment, provided using the new parameter envname.