creates a new model template
creates a new model template
- input_file
character,either "building", "furniture" or "metadata", depending on the input file you wish to create
- version_building
character, version of building model to be used, default to "02". Not necessary when input_file = "furniture"
- type_building
character, type of building file to create ("xml" or "yaml"), default to xml. Not necessary when input_file = "furniture"
- file_path
character, path to folder where to store the input file, default to tempdir()
- editor
character, the text editor to be used
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
create_new_model(input_file = "building")
create_new_model(input_file = "building", editor = "code")
create_new_model(input_file = "furniture", editor = "rstudio")
input_file = "building",
type_building = "yaml",
editor = "code"
create_new_model(input_file = "metadata", editor = "code")
} # }