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The external databases that allows you to download are regularly updated. Their external storage is organized by version, vintage and geographical extent, depending on the supplier or even the database.

The library is designed so that the user doesn’t have to worry about organizing this information; takes care of everything, from downloading to reformulation and storage. To achieve this, the library workflow defines and uses a very specific directory structure that serves a dual purpose:

  1. Organize the information by database, vintage and geographical location.
  2. Manage file and folder names programmatically.

Data organization during the download stage

When databases are downloaded using the functionsdownload_*() the workflow generates a two level directory structure:

  • First level: database name
  • Second level: vintage

So, if, for example we want to process the BAN database (Base Adresse nationale), the function download_ban() creates the following directory structure in the folder provided to the destination parameter (e.g. data).

output = "data" 
    destination = output, 
    department = 34

Data organization during the adaptation stage

Functions in the adapt_*() family expect this directory structure, from which they can acquire key information about data types and their vintage. They will replicate the structure to store their own results.

Continuing with our example, we now use the adapt_ban() function to process the database we have uploaded to the data folder, into a new folder called adapted.

    origin = file.path(output, "ban", "2024-01-31"), 
    destination = file.path(output, "adapted")

As we can see, the adapt_ban() function generates, on the one hand, the same directory structure than download_ban() and, on the other hand, it uses the folder name ban to name the output file in combination with the geographical reference (D034).

Important remark

If for any reason, the user does not use the library’s workflow, the specific directory structure expected by each function must be built manually as follows:

  • First level: database name
  • Second level: vintage

Otherwise, the storage spaces created may be unexpected.