Where are the data to download?

floodam.data is fitted to download from http://data.cquest.org (or It is a very good idea to have a view of this site, how it is organized, what type of data are stored. There are plenty of things that are not downloaded by floodam.data which shall be read and understood before using data coming from this site.

For instance, some of the data have been modified by the maintainer of the site, with explanations on the processes performed, with logs on how the processes resulted. This is a very valuable information.

Another possible source is IGN: https://geoservices.ign.fr/documentation/diffusion/telechargement-donnees-libres.html

Even better: ftp repository

  • BD TOPO (2019)
    • user:BDTOPO_V3_ext
    • pwd:Chai8iagh3Phee5h
    • host:ftp3.ign.fr
  • RPG
    • user:RPG_ext:
    • pwd: quoojaicaiqu6ahD
    • host: ftp3.ign.fr
    • user: Admin_Express_ext
    • pwd: Dahnoh0eigheeFok
    • host: ftp3.ign.fr

Two possibilities:

General considerations on floodam.data


Typically floodam.data functions use two types of indications:

  • where are located the data to be downloaded, this is specified by the parameter origin

  • where should be stored the data, this is specified by the parameter destination

It is a good idea to give some general indications for origin and destination that are specified more precisely when a specific call is made to a download function.

origin = "http://data.cquest.org"
destination = "temp/floodam-data/original"

Downloading data of type “rpg”

rpg stands for registre parcellaire graphique. Those data are maintained by the French Minsitry of Agriculture.

    origin = file.path(origin, "registre_parcellaire_graphique"),
    destination = file.path(destination, "rpg"),
    year = as.character(2010:2018)

Downloading data of type “sirene”

sirene stands for Sirene. Those data are maintained by INSEE. They are processed by cquest to have information on localization.

    origin = file.path(origin, "geo_sirene"),
    destination = file.path(destination, "sirene"),
    month = create.month("2018-10", "2020-03")