Download BD TOPO
Function used to downlaod BD TOPO. It is a wrapper to
, that helps getting everything fine toi download
aimed archive of BD TOPO from IGN websites.
- destination
character, the address where dara are stocked.
- origin
character, either a keyword or the address from where data are downloaded. See details.
- name
character, vector of acceptable names fo archive to be downloaded. Default to "BDTOPO".
- extension
character, vector of acceptable types of archive to be downloaded. Default to "7z".
- date
character, date of the archive to be downloaded. Default to "last".
- type
character, format of GIS data. To be chosen within "SHP", "GPKG", or "SQL". Default to "SHP".
- theme
character, themes of BD TOPO to be downloaded when origin is "ign". See details.
- department
integer, or converted to integer. Departments that should be considered. See details.
- region
integer, or converted to integer. Regions that should be considered. See details.
- verbose
logical, should the function send some messages while running.
If origin == "ign"
, then origin is changed to
If not, everything shall be filled so that download_archive()
can make a
successful download.
if (FALSE) {
destination = tempdir()
# WARNING: download everything that is "new".
download_bd_topo(destination, department = 34)
download_bd_topo(destination, department = 34, date = "2019-03-15")
download_bd_topo(destination, region = 11, type = "GPKG")
# WARNING: download everything related to D034
download_bd_topo(destination, department = 34, date = NULL)