format_archive creates formatted names for archives given some informations on the data contained in archives and the type of format aimed at.

It can be as the reciprocal function of analyse_archive().

format_archive(x, extension, origin = c("", "ign", "version"))



character, a named character.


character, if given, it will overrule what is in x.


character, default value to "". See details.


A vector of formatted names.


x should be a named character where informations used for formatting the result ar stored. If some informations are missing, basically NA will be used, and those NA will be post-treated depending on origin.

If origin is "", format_archive returns archive names formatted with this general scheme: data_precision_scope_date. Missing informations in x produce an adaptation of the scheme. For instance, if nothing is given for "scope" in x or if x["scope"] is "NA", the resulting scheme will be data_precision_date.

If origin is "ign", format_archive returns names formatted with this scheme: data-type_version_precision_format_projection_scope_date. Missing informations in x are replaced by "".

If origin is "version", format_archive returns names formatted with this scheme: version_precision_format_projection_scope. Missing informations in x are replaced by ".*". No extension information is used.

If extension is given, the extension is added to be name produced. I no extension is given, x["extension"] will be used if not NA.


Frédéric Grelot


archive = "ADMIN-EXPRESS-COG_3-1__SHP_RGAF09UTM20_GLP_2022-04-15.7z"
x = analyse_archive(archive)

format_archive(x, origin = "ign")
#> [1] "ADMIN-EXPRESS-COG_3-1__SHP_RGAF09UTM20_GLP_2022-04-15.7z"
archive == format_archive(x, origin = "ign")
#> [1] TRUE

format_archive(x, extension = "rds", origin = "ign")
#> [1] "ADMIN-EXPRESS-COG_3-1__SHP_RGAF09UTM20_GLP_2022-04-15.rds"
format_archive(x, extension = "rds")
#> [1] "admin-express-cog_2022-04-15.rds"
x["precision"] = "commune"
x["scope"] = "D972"
format_archive(x, extension = "rds")
#> [1] "admin-express-cog_commune_D972_2022-04-15.rds"

format_archive(origin = "version")
#> [1] ".*_.*_.*_.*_.*"