Input organization at building level

The data used to describe a building are organized into two different formats:

  • building: this is a xml file. It defines the geometry and composition of the building. It is divided in three parts:

    • general: this part gives the following general information about the building, such as its type (dwelling, economics activity), its height, the dilapidation that is used as default value for the elementary components that make up the building, the version of floodam.building that is compatible with the way the file is organized, and the level of protection of the building;

    • element: this part is used to define the elementary components that make up the built part of the building and their characteristics;

    • building: this part is used to define the geometry of the building and to indicate the location of the elementary components defined in the element part of the file;

  • furniture: this is a table that allows the inventory and the location of elementary components that are not necessary for the definition of the geometry of the building.

The detail of each format is given in: