Evolution of floodam.building

Changes compared to version 1.0.0.a

There is no last version: this is the very first version of floodam.building.

Planned evolution

  • Cost of protection: floodam.building is able to calculate the cost of implementation of some protective devices at building levels. However, this functionality has not been thoroughly tested yet. Thus, it is not included in the current version of floodam.building;
  • multi-building: it is planned to develop floodam.building to enable the estimation of damage functions of built assets composed of several buildings;
  • Enhance the robustness of the modelling of damage processes: some actions related to some elementary components depend on other actions that relate to other elementary components. In the current version, this is not taken into account in floodam.building, which may lead to inconsistencies;
  • Uncertainty analysis: it is planned to develop floodam.building to enable the production of uncertainty curves for all damage functions based on the uncertainty related to the following parameters:
    • the building materials;
    • the costs of the actions (or values of the elementary components);
  • Stochastic damage model: as experts indicated stochastic processes to model the sensitivity to flooding of some elementary components, it is planned to also represent the sensitivity of buildings in a stochastic way.