Evolution of the manual

Changes compared to version 1.0.0.a

In this section we included remarks from Reine Tarrit:

  • state “broken” is now described as “damaged” to better represent what we mean;
  • more precisions are given on how we collected data from experts;
  • some planned evolutions of the manual has been added.

Planned evolution

The projected developments of the manual do not depend on the development of floodam.building. We plan to:

  • take into account possible remarks from contributors that did not participate in the writing of the current version;
  • better explain how we modelled protective devices;
  • provide examples of uncertainty analyses;
  • include examples for declensio part
  • add a new chapter on the production of damage functions that relate to activities (in particular, we will explain how the typology is managed);
  • add a new chapter on the production of damage functions that relate to dwellings (in particular, we will explain how the typology is managed);
  • add a new chapter on floodam.agri;
  • add a new part to explain how to use floodam.building, which will contain:
    • a description of the main functions;
    • guidelines to produce a building model;
    • guidelines to produce variants of a building model