
This table contains information at the level of the categories of vulnerability. Each category of vulnerability is made up of elementary components that have the same sensitivity to floods. In other words, all the elementary components that belong to a same category of vulnerability:

  • have the same admissible states (e.g. normal and destroyed)
  • present the same relationships between the flood parameters and the probability to be in the different admissible states
  • require the same action when they are in a given state

In the category.vulnerability table, each row corresponds to an unique combination of a category of vulnerability and an action that needs to be done to bring the elementary components of the considered category back from a given state to the normal state. For each couple of category of vulnerability and action, the following characteristics are given:

  • category.vulnerability: identification of the category of elementary components concerned by the action;
  • action: identification (name) of the action;
  • version: version of the category.vulnerability table in which the action has been defined;
  • expert: name of the experts involved in the current definition of the action or identification of the meeting in which the current definition of the action was provided;
  • h.min: min water depth for which the probability that the action needs to be done is strictly positive. If h.min is \(-\infty\), the probability that the action needs to be done is strictly positive for all water depths below h.max;
  • h.max: max water depth for which the probability that the action needs to be done is strictly positive. If h.max is \(+\infty\), the probability that the action needs to be done is strictly positive for all water depths over h.min;
  • d.min: min submersion duration for which the probability that the action needs to be done is strictly positive. If d.min is \(-\infty\), the probability that the action needs to be done is strictly positive for all water depths below d.max;
  • d.max: max submersion duration for which the probability that the action needs to be done is strictly positive. If d.max is \(+\infty\), the probability that the action needs to be done is strictly positive for all water depths over d.min;
  • p.action: probability that the action needs to be done for water depths between h.min and h.max and for submersion durations between d.min and d.max. It is either a constant real number comprised between 0 and 1 (included), or a real number that varies depending on the water depth and flood duration. In the latter case, the value of p.action is “complex” in category.vulnerability and defined in the category.vulnerability.complex table. In equation of the elementary damage section, p.action is called \(p_{s}(h, d)\);
  • h.action: height up to which it is necessary to perform the action. If the action needs to be done on the whole elementary component, it takes the value “h.component”. Otherwise, it indicates the height up to which it is necessary to perform the action as a function of the water depth. For instance, h.action takes the value “h.alea + 30” if it is necessary to perform the action up to 30 cm above the part of the elementary component that has been immersed. In equation of the elementary damage section, h.action is called \(h_{a_{s}}(h, d)\);
  • i.action: intensity in which a submersion with a water depth between h.min and h.max and a duration between d.min and d.max brings to elementary component into the state where the action is needed. Thus, i.action also refers to the intensity in which the action needs to be done. It is either a constant real number comprised between 0 and 1 (included), or a real number that varies depending on the water depth and flood duration. In the latter case, the value of i.action is “complex” in category.vulnerability and defined in the category.vulnerability.complex table. In equation of the elementary damage section, i.action is called \(i_{s}(h, d)\);
  • dilapidation: boolean. If true, the level of dilapidation must be taken into account to compute the value of replacement of the elementary component.