Contributions in the the development

  • manual: Frédéric Grelot and Claire Richert wrote this manual. Bénédicte Meurisse and Reine Tarrit reviewed this manual. David Nortes Martinez and Frédéric Grelot adapted it to a website presentation.

  • floodam.building implementation: Frédéric Grelot developed floodam.building with contributions from Florence Gontrand, Hélène Boisgontier, Claire Richert, Cédric Gaillard, David Nortes Martinez.

  • data organization: Frédéric Grelot developed the organization of data used in floodam.building with contributions from Hélène Boisgontier, Pauline Brémond, Cédric Gaillard, Loetitia Gamard, Florence Gontrand, Céline Looten, Amanda Macquart, Anthony Payet, Reine Tarrit.

  • data collection: Hélène Boisgontier, Pauline Brémond, Cédric Gaillard, Loetitia Gamard, Florence Gontrand, Frédéric Grelot, Céline Looten, Amanda Macquart, Anthony Payet and Reine Tarrit contributed to data collection.

Most of the people mentioned above contributed to the development of floodam.building while working at Irstea. Reine Tarrit contributed to the data collection and organization steps while working at the Cerema.